10 Tips To Manage Student Test Stress

Exams and tests are a common part of student life, and while they are necessary for evaluating academic progress, they can also bring about significant stress and anxiety for students. With the pressure to perform well, many students struggle to manage their test stress and it can greatly impact their performance. In this article, we’ll discuss some practical tips for managing test stress in students, helping them feel more confident and capable when it comes time to take exams.

In conclusion, while exams remain an integral part of academic assessment, it is crucial to address the accompanying stressors to ensure students can perform at their best. By incorporating effective study habits, mindfulness practices, and fostering a supportive environment, students can navigate the challenges of exams with greater confidence. Additionally, leveraging external resources like Grabmyessay can offer valuable support, contributing to a well-rounded approach to managing test stress.

Tips for Managing Test Stress in Students

Test stress is a common experience among students, and it can have a significant impact on their academic performance. When students feel overwhelmed and anxious about upcoming tests, they may not be able to perform to the best of their abilities. This can lead to lower grades and a negative attitude towards education.

As a teacher or parent, it’s essential to understand how to help students with test anxiety. By providing them with the right support and tools, you can help them manage their stress and perform better on tests. In this article, we’ll discuss some useful tips for managing test stress in students.

1. Encourage Good Study Habits

One of the most effective ways to manage test stress is to encourage good study habits. When students are well-prepared for a test, they are more likely to feel confident and less stressed. As a teacher or parent, you can help students develop good study habits by setting a regular study schedule, creating a designated study space, and providing them with study materials, such as textbooks, notes, and practice tests.

Pro Tip: It’s also essential to teach students different studying techniques, such as creating flashcards or summarizing information, to help them retain information more effectively.

2. Teach Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety can make it challenging for students to focus and retain information during a test. Teaching them relaxation techniques can help calm their nerves and improve their concentration. Some effective relaxation techniques include deep breathing, meditation, and visualization. You can also encourage students to engage in physical activities, such as yoga or going for a walk, to reduce stress and anxiety.

Pro Tip: Consider incorporating short relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, into your classroom routine before a test to help students feel more relaxed and focused.

3. Promote a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude can go a long way in managing test stress. Encourage students to have a growth mindset and believe in their abilities rather than focusing on their limitations. Remind them that tests are an opportunity to show what they have learned, and even if they don’t do well on one test, there will always be opportunities to improve in the future.

Pro Tip: As a teacher or parent, it’s crucial to provide words of encouragement and praise for students’ efforts, not just their achievements. This can help foster a positive attitude towards learning and managing test stress.

4. Practice Test-Taking Strategies

Test-taking strategies can help students feel more prepared and confident during a test. These strategies can include reading instructions carefully, planning their time effectively, and identifying the most critical questions to answer first. As a teacher or parent, you can teach students these strategies and provide them with practice tests so they can become familiar with the format and types of questions they may encounter.

Pro Tip: It’s also helpful to review previous tests with students and discuss any mistakes they may have made. This can help identify areas where they need to focus their studying.

5. Encourage Healthy Habits

Stress and anxiety can take a toll on students’ physical health, making it important to encourage healthy habits. Make sure students are getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying hydrated. These habits can help improve their overall well-being and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Pro Tip: During particularly stressful times, such as before a big test, make a conscious effort to remind students to take care of their physical health. You can also suggest healthy snacks, such as fruits and nuts, to provide sustained energy during studying.

6. Communicate with Students

Open communication is critical in managing test stress. As a teacher or parent, it’s essential to create an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns. By understanding students’ fears and worries, you can provide them with the necessary support and strategies to manage their stress.

Pro Tip: Make sure to check in with students regularly, both individually and as a group, to see how they are feeling and offer any additional support they may need.

7. Seek Help if Needed

If a student’s test anxiety is severe and significantly impacting their academic performance, it’s essential to seek professional help. Schools often have resources available, such as guidance counselors or student support services, to help students manage their stress and anxiety. As a parent, you can also seek out therapists or other professionals who specialize in helping students cope with test anxiety.

Pro Tip: Consider providing students with external resources, such as articles or websites, on how to help students with test anxiety. This can give them a sense of empowerment and encourage them to seek help if needed.


Test stress is a common experience among students, but it can be managed with the right support and strategies. By encouraging good study habits, teaching relaxation techniques, promoting a positive attitude, and communicating with students, you can help them manage their stress and perform better on tests. Remember, each student is unique, so it’s essential to find the strategies that work best for them. With your guidance and support, students can overcome test stress and achieve academic success.

Interested in learning more about how to help students with test anxiety? Check out http://cnu.edu/ for helpful resources and articles on managing test stress and promoting a positive learning environment.

In conclusion, test stress is a common issue that many students face. It can be overwhelming and can affect their academic performance and overall well-being. However, with the right strategies and tips, it is possible to effectively manage and reduce test stress. By learning to manage time effectively, practicing self-care, maintaining a positive mindset, and using relaxation techniques, students can overcome their test anxiety and perform better on exams. It is important for educators and parents to provide support and guidance to students in managing their test stress. By implementing these tips, students can approach tests with confidence and achieve academic success. Remember, it is not about being perfect, but rather about doing your best. With determination and a positive attitude, students can conquer their test stress and excel in their studies.


  • emiliewashington

    I am a 33-year-old kindergarten teacher and blogger. I blog about everything from teaching to parenting to everything in between. I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others, and hope to help others in their own journeys.