Reflective essays are unlike any other writing assignments you’ve ever had to complete. This requires more creativity and thought than writing an essay or a report.

This type of writing is among the most difficult, but also one of the most rewarding.

Reflective essay topics are endless. Any topic is possible as long you are familiar with the appropriate essay writing format.

Writing a reflective essay

Reflective essays can be written pieces that enable you to revisit an experience or event. They are useful tools to learn.

Reflective essays allow you to get a better grasp of yourself as well as your learning experiences.

An opening paragraph is essential for this type essay. In the opening paragraph, discuss your motivations for writing this reflective piece.

– Reflective essays are written in first and third person. When you use the “I” statement, you are in the first person. The third person is when it is you who use them, them, or her.
Be consistent throughout your essay, regardless of who you use. It is also possible to use the past or present tense. The tone and reflective nature of your essay will determine the tense that you choose.
– There are two types of body paragraphs: narratives or analytical responses. An analytical response is where you can explore your feelings and thoughts about the experience. A narrative tells you about something you have experienced before.
Regardless of the structure you choose, ensure that all paragraphs in your body connect to the opening paragraph.
– Your reflective essay should end with a summary of your thoughts and insights. You can also include the lessons learned.
Editing and revising your reflective essay will ensure its effectiveness.

How do you choose a topic to reflect on your essay?

Reflective essays are a form of writing that asks you to reflect on your own feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

You may have a personal experience with this topic, which can make it difficult to choose a topic.

A tutor can help you choose the right topic.

These are some suggestions to help you choose the right subject.
– What are you most passionate about? It is important that you only write about the things that are most interesting to you.
– What are your knowledge about this topic? Reflective essays do not base on facts. They require the writer not to be logical and express their opinions.
– Choose a topic that is interesting enough to readers. Research is the best way to learn if there are no facts. It is an important part academic work.
– Can this person relate? People will be more engaged if they are able to relate to your story. Writing about something you have experienced will be easier if it is similar to what others have done.
– What’s your opinion about the subject? This question is linked to the one before it. After all, what good are opinions without an opinion? For readers to understand your perspective, the essay must not only present facts, but also share your thoughts and feelings.
– Once you have selected a topic to write about, be sure to fully develop it.
These tips should inspire you to take on this type of writing.

How do you choose good reflective essay topics?

It can be difficult to choose the right topic.

These are some suggestions for choosing good topics for reflective essays:
Consider something that is important in your life. Maybe you have a special experience or event that you wish to recall.
Think about a topic you have struggled with. You can learn a lot about yourself by reflecting upon your past struggles.
– Select a topic you are interested in. It will be easier to write honestly and authentically about the topic.
Ensure that the topic is relevant for your program or course. A reflective essay helps you to learn more about yourself and prepare for the future.
It is important to pick a topic that you feel passionate about. Think about what is important to you.

Interesting Reflective Essay Topics
Comment on the current world state.
What are your top tips to achieve happiness?
What do you consider success? And what are your steps to reach it?
What are your life’s lessons?
What would you change if you could travel back in time?
What are you thoughts about America’s current educational situation?
What are the steps to make your life better? How long did it take to get there?
– When you were at odds with a family member or friend.
– The time you were stressed and very busy.
How you handled difficult situations
– The time you were proud to be yourself
– The most difficult experience you’ve ever had
A life-changing event
– The time you were most happy
The most important life lesson you’ve ever learned
– How you overcome personal challenges
– When you were faced with difficult decisions
– This is the most important lesson I have learned during my high school career
– How your life has changed over time
– The time you were proud to be with your family or close friends
– How you’ve dealt with life’s challenges
– The most important life lesson that you have ever learned was _____________.
– If it were possible, I would _____ _____ _____.
– I’d change ____________________ about my teenage years.
– What I have done since becoming a mother.
– This is the biggest challenge I’m currently facing
– The worst aspect of getting older.
What are your feelings about aging?
– If there was a time I could go back to, it would be _____ _____.
– The most important lesson in elementary school
– What is your greatest regret?
– What would you change about your childhood?
– This was the most important lesson I received in high school.
– What advice do you think is the most valuable?
What’s your greatest challenge right now?
– What are your biggest fears about growing older?
Are there any concerns or fears about the aging process?
– The most valuable thing you’ve learned in highschool was ________.
– Tell me about your biggest achievement at a young age.
– What was your greatest challenge as a teenager?
– I’d change one thing if it were over.
– I’m ready to start a new chapter in my life. What advice do you have for me?
– How were your friends and family affected by the news?
– What was the best thing about being an adolescent?
How did your family react to you becoming pregnant?
What was your most difficult thing during your teenage years?
– What was your first experience with pregnancy?
– How was your life when you were your age?
– What were the reactions of people to your marriage news?
– What was the best thing about getting married?
– What were their reactions to you and your sibling being pregnant?
– What was your greatest challenge as a teenager?
What have you found the most challenging part of your parenting journey?

Reflective Essay Topics for Middle-School Students
– Do change always bring good luck? Why?
How can you handle difficult situations? Are there any strategies you can use to cope with difficult situations?
What do you think about your five-year-old life?
What do your beliefs about the world affect how you see it?
– Who would you choose as your favorite book for the rest?
– What time and where would you travel to go back in history?
– Which is your biggest challenge in today’s world?
– Which is your biggest concern in the world today? What can you do about it?
– Do you want to make any changes in your life? Why?
These reflective essay topics can be used as a springboard for discussion by middle school students.
What do you find most grateful for in your daily life? These things are important to your life.
– How have technology changed your lives and how do you communicate with other people? Is there anything that you don’t like about technology?
– What was the most important lesson you have learned in this past year?
– What makes you happy? Money, possessions, relationships or fame? Is it possible that everyone has an answer to this question. Why or not?
– What career do you want to pursue?
– How would you answer a question about why schools are needed? Refusing to consider all the subjects covered this year: Which ones were most interesting?
What do you consider the most influential person in your life?

For high school students, reflective essay prompts
Reflect on the year that has passed and learn from it.
– What’s something you’ve done differently?
What has changed in your outlook since last year?
– What makes you feel different about someone or yourself?
– What was your most memorable event in school? How did it impact your outlook on the world?
These prompts for reflective essays can be used to help students get ready for college. They also allow them to take a look at their lives before they start writing essays.

For examples of great sentences, continue reading.
Reflecting on the past year has taught me a lot.
– I challenged myself to try new things this year.
– My perspective has changed. I used very harshly judge myself. But now, I give myself more credit.
– Dance is one thing that makes me feel different. It makes you feel powerful, yet graceful.
– I was accepted into college this year. This was my biggest achievement in school. This was an important milestone for me. It helped me realize that you can do anything if your mind is set on it. Overall, it was one of my best school years.

For college students, reflective essay topics
The first reflective essay you receive in college can seem daunting. You have the chance to share everything you’ve learned over the years. You can still shine if you put in some thought.

These are just a few ideas to help you get started.
– A hobby/activity I enjoy other than school/work
– A personal accomplishment or achievement
How I overcome academic difficulties during my time in college
– The time I was proud to be a part of something
– Experiential travel or a cultural exchange
I had an enjoyable semester with this professor or class.
– What has changed in my view since I began college?
– Why academic subjects are my favourites
– Why I love my favorite professor.
Reflection on my High School Experiences
– Why this class is the best I’ve ever taken.
How I overcome the biggest challenge in college
– What I hope for during my time in college
What I want to learn from college

There are many topics that you can choose to write a reflective article. It is important to choose one that allows you to express your thoughts and experience in a meaningful manner.

Reflective Essay: The Relationship
Relationships take effort. This is something we all know, but until you have your own relationship, it’s not easy to appreciate how much work and time it takes. Relationships, with or without your partner, can be very draining.

Sometimes people will do or say things that are irritating, even outright offensive to you. Sometimes, however, you can have a great day and laugh a lot. These relationships are both challenging and rewarding because of their unpredictable nature.

Here are some ideas for reflective essays on relationship issues.
What is the cause of your relationship’s breakdown?
– What was your reaction to the breakup?
– What lessons have you learned from this experience?
What could you do differently?
What are your top tips for a successful marriage?
– What thoughts do you have about soulmates?
Do you believe the greatest challenge to relationships is today’s?
How has technology changed our relationship with one another?
– Do You Believe Love Can Overcome All?
– Can there be too much love in relationships?
Is jealousy healthy for a relationship?
What is the right time to end a relationship?
– Share a story about an argument you had with someone.
– What have you learned from your experience?
What are the qualities you seek in your romantic partner?
What have you done to build healthy relationships with family and friends?
– What have been some of your relationship challenges? What were your solutions?
Describe a time you were forced to part ways with someone. What was your reaction to the situation?
Describe a time in your life when you and your family were faced with difficult situations. What were your strategies for coping?
What is it that makes your relationship unique from other relationships in the past? What makes you believe it will last?
How do you see relationships changing over time? This is what do you think?
What are the greatest challenges for couples today? These challenges can be overcome.
Is there anything that drives you insane? What are you going to do?
– What have you learned most valuable lessons about relationships? These lessons could you pass them on to others? Why or not?
– Do love really exist? Why or not?
– What would your response be if you were told by someone that you didn’t believe they could love you?

Reflective Essay Topics About Nature
What comes to your mind when you think of nature? Some people think it’s the beauty of a sunrise and sunset. Others find the tranquility and peace of being outside peaceful. This topic can be a great topic for reflective essays, regardless of your views.

Here are some ideas for reflective essays on nature.
– What does Nature mean to You?
What has changed about your relationship to nature?
– What role does Nature play in your Life?
– What are you most passionate about in the natural world?
What are your challenges when you interact with nature?
– What would change in your relationship to nature?
How do you envision the future for nature?
What has the influence of nature on your personality?
– What aspects do you find appealing about nature?
– What are you most at peace with in nature?
– How have your relationships with nature changed over the years?
– Do humans seem disconnected from nature?
What does it mean “in tune” to nature?
What are some of nature’s benefits?
– Do you remember experiencing a “natural high?” Can you describe it?
Is there a time of year that you feel closer to nature?
Is your perception of nature changing since you became a parent/guardian.
– What is one way you have tried to bring your child/children closer to nature?
– Which is the most important aspect of nature that people should understand?
Are you concerned about the future of our planet? What are your concerns?


  • emiliewashington

    I am a 33-year-old kindergarten teacher and blogger. I blog about everything from teaching to parenting to everything in between. I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others, and hope to help others in their own journeys.