Different Benefits Of Space Exploration For Humankind

Scientists have yet to solve many of the mysteries that exist in outer space. But have they looked deeper to see if there are any clues that can help us better understand our planet? Space exploration has many benefits for understanding Earth. Researches found out that it can also help with climate changes, history of the solar and solar system.

Space exploration has a direct impact on Earth and can lead to many benefits, such as an improvement of economics, the environment, security, and safety. The benefits of space exploration have been discovered. NASA investigated and discovered that the South Pole ozone was deteriorating. The first global agreement was made to address the environmental crisis. The agreement stated that there would be a restriction on destroying the Chlorofluorocarbon. This can contribute towards the loss of protective ozone. The radiation is harmful to the environment and can also cause skin cancer in humans. The benefits of space exploration go beyond health and security. NASA research about outerspace has helped us to improve our technological devices. Space exploration allowed us to determine the type of planet on which we live.

In order to fully understand Earth’s history, we must first look at the creation of the sun. The Milky Way galaxy that houses our solar and planets as well as the sun was formed five billions years ago by a large cloud. This fusion created the heat and sunshine we know today. Scientists studied the sun and found that it is the center of the solar system and the earth’s light source. Without the Sun, Earth’s surface would be covered in ice. Our sun’s heat is responsible for driving lighter Helium, Hydrogen and other elements away. This caused Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus to be the four coldest planets. The study proved that without the Sun, space exploration would be impossible.

Climate change occurs over a period of many years. It can range from a few decennia to millions. Climate change also occurs when the Earth’s weather remains unchanged for a prolonged period due to increasing levels of atmospheric CO2. Space information plays a major role in climate change. Space exploration helped scientists find a solution to the climate change issue. They used satellites that were operated by several Space Administrations. It was not only the Earth that received the satellite, but other planets in our solar system as well to better understand climate change. NASA discovered that 4 billions ago (1 billion after the explosion cloud and fusion which created the young Sun) a gas-syndrome “Runaway Gas Syndrome”, turned Venus into a lifeless, hot planet. Mars was also affected, but not only Venus. This information made scientists more cautious and aware. It also gave them an idea of how to tackle climate change in a responsible and thoughtful way on earth, like minimizing helium from our moon. The space research has changed, from GPS to solar cells. This is helping reduce emissions. GPS navigation on the oceans already helps to cut fuel expenses by between 15% and 21 %.

Earth shares some similarities with Venus, Mars and other planets of the solar system. Mars is bigger than Venus in both mass and diameter because it’s farther away. Although the three planets have many similarities, they also differ in some ways. For example, their temperatures. Venus is the coldest planet with an average temperature around 461 Celsius. Mars, on the other hand, has a coldest average with -46 Celsius. Earth and Venus can be used to better understand our planet. Scientists have proven that Mars has a lot of life, and in the future people may even be able live there.

Space exploration is beneficial in many ways, and I think it will be helpful in a few decades when scientists discover new things that help us better understand Earth.


  • emiliewashington

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