The Experiment On How Different Concentration Of Sucrose Effect On The Rate Of Osmosis On Cubes Of Potatoes

Table of Contents

From the perspective of a developed country, a pro-globalist view:

From the perspective of a developing country, a pro-globalist view:

Anti-Globalist Perspective from Developed Country perspective:

This essay will concentrate on two views: Pro Globalists versus Anti Globalists. They can be viewed in two different ways, from the perspective of two countries. Globalization is perceived by both as a positive and negative force in their respective contexts. When discussing the pros of and cons of Globalization, it is important to remember the three aspects of its impact: Economic, Political, and Cultural.

Pro Globalist View from Developed Country Perspective:Globalization from an economic perspective will result in optimal utilization of resources across the world. Developed countries are known to have high costs for resources. The companies can source resources anywhere on the planet, as long as the costs are low and affordable. The customer will benefit from this as it reduces the manufacturing cost. Ultimately the consumer will enjoy cheaper goods, and this will enhance their quality of life through increased purchasing power. In terms of economics, globalization is a way for companies to expand their market share by tapping new markets. Sales cycles will be spread out over the whole year, as companies have markets all around the world. Companies can stay competitive by staying on top of the market.

Globalization enables companies to hire people who have a particular skill set. Globalization allows companies to hire people from other parts of the world if they need a specific skill set. Even though this is a cost, it will also be an advantage to the company. People will be able to speak languages that are common, like English, with globalization. When people can speak the common language or learn each others’ languages, cultures can spread faster. People will also move around from country to country in order to achieve their career goals. It will lead to a cross-cultural bond between different races. Globalization has made many countries dependent on one another. Globalization creates a greater interdependence among countries. Countries will be more cautious before waging wars, as warring nations could potentially lose investors. It also brings about political stability in the world if it is respected.

From the perspective of a developing country, globalism is a positive thing. It helps to boost economic growth. Open economies will allow foreign investors access to these markets. Local manufacturers will become more competitive globally. Globalization allows the technology to be spread around the globe. Most of today’s inventions come from developed countries that invest heavily in their research. The same technology is now available almost simultaneously to the entire world thanks to globalization. The same technology can be used by developing countries on the level of developed nations. This has a major economic impact on the developing countries as it reduces the “technology-divide” between the two.

Globalization creates new job opportunities for developing countries. The flow of foreign exchange will be a major bonus. The economy will be boosted by a higher flow of foreign currency. A higher economy leads to better living conditions and health. Politicians tell us that the development of economies will make it possible for countries to develop ties, and form allies at international forums.

Anti-globalist view from developed country perspective: Creating new jobs for those who live in developing countries comes at a cost to existing jobs in host countries. People are laid off when companies shut down employment in their host countries. The people of developed countries lose out because they do not receive any benefit from saving money by offshoring their jobs to developing countries. Global technology diffusion gives developed nations a competitive edge. Governments have funded the majority of technological research, using tax payer money from developed countries. Now that developing countries can access the same technologies as developed countries, the gap in economics has shrunk. Now, the development countries are losing jobs as they build on technology to offer competitive products to developed countries’ market. Ironically, the developed countries may have in some way financed their own downfall.

In the international market, developed nations have lost their usual bargaining strength due to their long dependence on emerging economies such as India and China. In the past, developing countries, such as India, China and South Korea, have had the ability to negotiate better with developed countries. However, due to their dependence on these countries, the developed countries now find themselves in a position of weakness. For example, Zambia, an agricultural and natural resource-rich country, became in debt. It was given loans in order to pay it off, but the debt was increased. People were forced to accept new conditions and work or flee. The debt rose from US$814 a decade ago to US$3,244 a decade later and even further to US$6,916. Zambia’s debt problem was caused by the demand and supply of oil. When the price of oil went up, it prompted questions about what would happen if oil prices increased too much.

It is clear that the same factors which propelled the pro-globalists in developed countries are now anti-globalists in developing nations. The same points that are proponents for pro-globalist views in developing countries lead to an anti-globalist viewpoint in developed countries. When developed countries see optimal resource use, they are viewed by developing countries as draining natural resources. In the developing countries, job creation is seen as a positive thing. However, in the developed countries it’s seen as a negative. One’s weakness is another’s strength. Globalization is a fact that has caused extreme competition and social change. Globalization is a powerful tool, but it can also be harmful. Globalization can bring about sudden changes. It is very difficult to manage and survive the change. Globalization must be approached in a gradual manner. Both developed and developing countries should take a step-by-step approach to globalization. Developing countries must provide sufficient support to local industries in order for them not to buckle under the global competition. In the same way, if a job has to be off-shored to a developing country, there must be sufficient opportunities created. Globalization will not be able to sustain economic growth unless the positive effects outpace those of growth.


  • emiliewashington

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